First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

Rebuild Action Meeting

Sean Roberds | Jun 15, 2023

Rebuild Action Meeting


June 17, 2023

9:00 am to 11:00 am


There is a churchwide meeting on Saturday, June 17. Why are we meeting and what is this all about? Great questions! Let me explain.

Coming out of Covid19 our church needs to rebuild and re-engage our mission. We survived the storm that was Covid19 and for the last few years simply surviving was in fact being faithful! Now that we are on the other side of this enormous storm just surviving is not enough. To be faithful we must rebuild, reengage the mission and embark on a new journey for the kingdom of God. But what does that look like? Where are we going? And how do we get there? We need discernment, direction, and a workable plan.

I believe in the Baptist way. The way of allowing the people of God to discern the calling of God. To discern God’s calling we need to come together and listen. We need to listen to the scriptures; we need to listen to the Spirit and we need to listen to each other.  Together we will discover God’s way forward for our Church.  

We began the listening process at the last business meeting in April. There was a lot of great energy, thoughts and ideas that came out of that meeting. After the meeting I talked with the deacons about keeping the process moving forward. We knew one listening session was not enough. There was much more work to be done. To keep the process moving forward it was decided to form a Nav Team. A team of people who will help the church navigate the process. The job of the Nav team is not to decide the direction for the church but to keep us on track as we, the Church, decern God’s calling. The Nav team works under the direction of the deacons and is made up of the following people. Linda Dhar, Laura Greenspan, Margie Henry, Ray Kidwell, Todd Weiss and Me.  

The Nav team has decided the best way to keep the process going is to have a series of meetings on Saturday mornings.  We will not meet every Saturday of course and we know Saturdays are a busy time for many people. But the work we need to do cannot be done on Sundays alone. God has something instore for us. God is calling. We need to listen and follow. We may not know where we are going but we know the way. Jesus is the way. Let’s join together and see where the Lord is leading us.

Please join us Saturday June 17th as we continue the good and holy work of the gospel.

Sean Roberds

Pastor, FBC Herndon