First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

My Church and Me - Maryana James

Maryana James | Sep 13, 2022

My Church and Me

by Maryana James


A century ago, this church had a Cradle Roll.

My name was placed upon it when I was four days old.


            My Church and Me


When I went to Sunday School,

I learned I had a Savior

And I learned the Golden Rule.

When my faith was strong, I wanted to belong.

The baptistry this church had then was very big,

And I was very small.

I floated in the water, my feet not touching at all.



            My Church and Me


When boys and girls in Youth Group

began to congregate,

What better place, than the church, to find a mate.

I did.



            A Husband, My Church, and Me


After that, the babies came, one and two and three.

And then I had the children to bring to church with me.


            My Kids, My Church, and Me


Through the years

to various jobs we were recruited,

For many of which I felt unsuited.



            My Family, My Church, and Me


And now I want to thank all of you

For your kindness and care and giving

As I keep on living.

Though there is much I cannot hear

And some things I can’t see.


            AFTER ALL

I’m a hundred and two



                        It’s our church and you.




November 2021