First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620


We are committed to having a flexible ministry at First Baptist Church Herndon (FBCH) that provides focus and resources while maintaining an environment where individuals can seek and do God’s will.

Ministry at FBCH is centered on the Church’s Vision that was developed in 2011 and 2012. Simply stated, our Vision is to “Be the presence of Christ by sharing the love of God one person at a time”. We have adopted a threefold strategy to help us focus on the mission. The strategy elements are (1) Dedicate to Fellowship, (2) Develop Spiritually and (3) Deploy as Servants.

Our strategy provides focus for the teams that are in place to accomplish the purpose of the church and over time the threefold strategy will form the basis of our ministerial structure. The charts on the following pages are offered as a tool to help you find or define your place in the ministry of FBCH.