First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

Gift Three

Linda Soller | Dec 18, 2023

What soothes your soul? What calms you and helps you see things differently? What speaks to your inner spirit? We all have different answers to these questions. However, whatever your answer, taking care of your soul is critical to happiness and wellbeing. I have found if I’m not addressing the needs of my soul I‘m not much use in helping others. So, gift three is a daily gift which soothes your soul.


First on my list is prayer. It begins the night before when I address my concerns, express my gratitude, and ask God for guidance. I can’t anticipate all that I will encounter in the coming day, but my request deals more with the ability to respond appropriately to whatever I do encounter. When I wake the next day, I must have faith that God will be right beside me no matter what I have to do.  The comfort and power of faith is amazing. Through the years I have found my “little prayers” throughout the day provide reinforcement.


In addition, I’ve discovered a few other things which are a big help to me. I watch the birds at my feeder. A connection to nature can be just outside your window if you take the time to look. It can be taking a walk and not worrying about how fast or how far you go. The site of a hawk soaring in the sky is magical. Knitting is another gift I give myself. I’m not some master knitter but the calm repetitive nature of knitting is really soothing. Others may woodwork, weave, garden, or any number of things. You need to find what speaks to your soul.  Now,  I have the gift of my painting. It does make my brain work, but once I am simply applying paint to paper it’s amazing. I can really get lost in the work.


When you keep your internal being grounded and calm it’s easier to deal with the chaos of our world. So, every day give your soul a gift. It will allow you to see the world and others in a different light.



Be the love in the world  : )   Linda


681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722