First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

Hurry Up and Wait

Linda Soller | Aug 21, 2023

Is it just me or does it feel like we are spending way too much time waiting? Last week I had multiple situations where I had to scurry around to be where I was supposed to be by a certain time. I arrived on time, but then I had to wait. It’s not that I want to point fingers, but doctors and repair people do seem to have this situation just the way they like it. A doctor appointment can take weeks to schedule. They say arrive fifteen minutes early. When they finally see you thirty minutes or more past your appointment time there is no sign of an apology for keeping you late. Technically, in the pay by hour sense, their time is more valuable than mine. However, in the one human to another it’s not. And yes, I understand they can’t always control how long they will need for the prior patient. But would it hurt to say, sorry I am running late? Maybe a thank you for waiting!


Then we have the repair people. There was a time when you could set a specific appointment. Next came the concept of a “window” for an appointment. It started with a two-hour “window,” but now it’s nothing to have a half day “window.” My latest was one p.m. to five p.m. last week. I received three texts and a voice message reminding me to be at the house and available, and on time. During half of that “window” I was trying to stay busy while I carried around my cell phone in the event they called. Ugh!


I want to be that nice person. I want to be understanding, thoughtful, and patient. I also would like to be rich. So far, I am struggling to be any of those things and the last is really unlikely. It’s times like these that I add a few extra sentences to my prayers. I ask for encouragement to be a good person. I ask for understanding and patience. When it’s been a particularly demanding week I might be heard to ask for a few extra hours in each day. You know just in case I have to hurry up and wait.


Be the love in the world  : )   Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722