First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

The Stormy Season

Linda Soller | Aug 14, 2023

Perhaps we should call this time of year the stormy season. Afternoon storms plague the last days of summer. Children get cranky when they think of how few days they have left before school starts. Parents get cranky as the last few weeks before school starts go so slowly. The heat of August can feel relentless. Vacations have come and gone. Between the weather and our temperaments there are storms brewing. 


The season of storms creeps in. There is no one day on the calendar you can mark. There is no place to hide. It becomes a matter of survival. Even as you face your daily storms you know this season will pass. You understand it’s a temporary thing. Maybe not a thing, but a feeling. Maybe not a feeling, but a state of mind.


The other night the news reports predicted bad storms. The weather people worked us into a panic. In retrospect a touch of panic wasn’t entirely a bad thing. Many of us were more cautious and those who actually  experienced the storm felt somewhat prepared. Then again, the risk was like the boy who cried wolf, one too many times. Public complacency can bring about another kind of storm.


Storms have many names, like poverty, illiteracy, hunger, prejudice, hate, etc. These storms are real and prolonged. Effort must be applied to bring them to an end. They are the bad storms we see all around us, but because we are not personally in their path, we may not give them the attention they deserve. If we pay attention, we may be able to calm the storms, just a bit. If we ignore them our complacency may just result in the worst storms of all.


Be the love in the world  : )   Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722