First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620


Linda Soller | Feb 27, 2023

A Cooper’s Hawk circled overhead, occasionally adding a side loop, always squawking. Not a frantic squawk, more of a complaining squawk. Men at the house in front of mine were working on siding or something which required regular sawing. The hawk wasn’t happy. Perhaps they were disturbing his mid-morning nap. Maybe it was the strange noise he feared or disliked. Regardless, he kept circling and complaining. The problem is we don’t really understand what he’s squawking about. We can’t modify our behavior or feel empathy if we don’t understand what he’s trying to communicate.


People often act the same way. We complain and whine and circle around an issue. It isn’t always clear why we are upset or fearful as we continue our circling. The pioneers would circle the wagons for protection as they journeyed west. Everyone involved understood how this might provide them with some level of protection. Today our circling is more topic, issue, or philosophy oriented. We like to circle around with those who agree with us to protect us from a different opinion. We often point our fingers of blame outside of our circle. Surely, we are not to blame so it’s not our problem to fix. Even Christians have been known to circle together so that the problems of the world, which they clearly see, are safely outside their circle of protection and therefore responsibility.


However, unlike the hawk circling and squawking, our actions and voices can be understood by the world. We have the ability to talk with others, the ability to reach out to others, and we don’t have to form a circle of defense. If Jesus had been riding on one of the wagon trains headed west, I think He would have been the disruptor. Stop circling He would have said. How can we understand each other if we never communicate? Then like now, I fear the people would have ignored His command to love their neighbor. They were afraid of the unknown. Today we continue to let fear rule us. We continue our circling, closing in those we want near and blocking others out.


The sun was shining, the street was suddenly quiet. Above, the hawk stopped circling, stopped squawking, and began to soar.



Be the love in the world  : )   Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722