First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

Here We Are

Linda Soller | Jan 30, 2023

I was sent a screen shot of our pastor and me from when we were teaching an adult Bible study class on zoom. It was during the pandemic. We knew keeping our adult study group active was important. There we were, each in a different town, but sharing a screen. It made me appreciate how all of us had to think outside of our boxes. Seeing the picture made me feel good about what we had been able to accomplish.  I don’t mean the pastor  or me in particular, I’m referring to the collective “we.” Anyone who found a way to keep something moving forward, a way to support others, a method to continue communications, or a way to overcome any of the obstacles the pandemic presented. It was an unprecedented time in so many ways. 


As hard as it may be to believe January is basically over. One month down and eleven to go in 2023. If you set goals for yourself for the new year you may already feel the panic of a rapidly approaching deadline. But the last three years, for all of the misery, also gave us enough adversity to build our personal resilience, and enough isolation to appreciate those we need in our lives.  The question might be, did we learn our lessons well? Or another way to look at it is, will you use those lessons to reach your goals? Either way it’s in your hands. No one else to blame. We may wonder how life will return to “normal.” Maybe we should be accepting that there is a new normal and going back may not be a viable or even a desirable goal. Perhaps if you look back to pre-pandemic times to consider what your normal really looked like you would find there may be alternative solutions to reaching your goals. 


I offer; if you still think you are facing more than your fair share of adversity, remember you are not alone. In the challenge of the moment mankind rose to meet the enemy. It was scary at times and our humanity showed its ugly side more than once. But here we are, reading a blog, and knowing God and his church are here for us all.



Be the love in the world  : )   Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722