First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

Road Work Ahead

Linda Soller | Jan 16, 2023

It is nearly impossible to drive anywhere in Northern Virginia without coming upon a large orange sign with big black letters warning ROAD WORK AHEAD. It’s been this way for some time. Traffic is slowed, stopped, re-directed, and well you know exactly what I mean. This week on my drive to the grocery store I was stopped by such a sign followed by a man with a pole sign – STOP on one side and SLOW on the other. There was no road work, but the work was high in the trees adjacent to the road. 


Roads begin, sometimes planned and sometimes from old paths connecting point A to point B. To make the road function a foundation is laid. Borders are defined, maybe by a ditch, a guard rail, painted lines, and sometimes by trees. As the road winds its way through the years it becomes necessary to address the issues it’s experiencing. Potholes appear where the foundation has given way. The road may need to be straightened or lengthened to keep it functioning well. All of this is why we should not be surprised or angered by the big orange sign.


People are much like roads. We come into this world, and we are provided with a foundation. Not everyone gets the same foundation, then again neither do all roads. Sometimes this makes a difference in the life span of a person like it does for a road. Then again sometimes it doesn’t. As we age, we begin to notice that changes and corrections may be appropriate to keep us functioning and safe. We may need work. Rarely do we have a large orange sign stating, “PERSON WORK AHEAD.” Whether we need to go back and fill in our foundation, redefine our parameters, or straighten our path to reach our destination, we recognize that work is needed. This first month of 2023 is a fine time to contemplate the work you need done. Start at your foundation. If on the weak side, you can get help strengthening it once more. Consider your parameters and decide if they still provide the security and direction you require. Slow the world around you if you need to, just so the work can get done. No need to be angry or surprised, it’s just routine maintenance.


Be the love in the world  : )   Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722