First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

Among the Victims

Linda Soller | Apr 04, 2022

There is no shortage of opportunities to pray for and worry about the victims of natural disasters, wars, and pandemics. The stories we hear and pictures we see are heart wrenching. We are thankful not to be in the shoes of those victims. But have you ever stopped to think about all the victims who don’t make the news? Are you among those victims? For example has the pandemic left you afraid or weary to go out among people? They say old habits die hard, but two years of isolation and caution can make your old patterns seem scary. And you may not be the only one who pays a price for your suffering. 


Churches who put congregational well being as a primary focus found alternate ways to share worship. They did that for the safety of their congregation, and yet so many people are slow to return. Companies, who sent employees home to work, even if it was not best for the business, are now dealing with those who feel entitled to keep working remotely.  Because a solution works for a while does not guarantee it’ll be a long-term success. Are we scared, entitled, lazy, or selfish? Ultimately we must each decide for ourselves.


What can I say, life happens! There have or will be times in everyone’s life when unforeseen challenges leave us confused, insecure, maybe even afraid. During those times we must dig deep, pray for clarity, gather our courage, look at the big picture, and love one another. This isn’t to say anyone expects you to run “willy-nilly“ into bad decisions and worsening conditions. I simply want to point out that you aren’t alone in your struggles no matter what the cause, and regardless of what life event has brought you to your knees, there is always hope. Easter is the reminder of hope and the eternal promise from God. His offer is constant, but sometimes it takes a life event to remind us of His desire to love and care for us always.


The final choice/responsibility is yours. You can be part of the hope in this world, or you can be among the victims.


Be the love in the world  :o)

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722