First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620


Our church has been given a unique mission by God. God is calling us to do special ministry that no other church can do. Think about our church and the many things what make us unique. Even though Northern Virginia is growing in its racial diversity, few churches in this area are as diverse as we are. We have an exceptional mission. Think about our location, most of the main line churches moved out of downtown Herndon and we stayed. Our church stayed because we felt God called us to be right where we are bearing witness to the town of Herndon. We have a special mission. This congregation is one of the most compassionate churches in the area. When it comes to mission offerings most Baptist churches give through the national office and only during special giving times in the year. This church supports, The Closet and an English Language Learning (ELL) program, not to mention our own benevolence fund. Another big difference in our mission giving is that we do it throughout the year. First Baptist Church is different and we are proud of that. We have a special, unique, exceptionally different mission given to us by God. We hope you will continue to pray with us this year about our mission and how we can support it with our, talents, energy, time and resources.