First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

Comfort Food

Linda Soller | Jan 29, 2024

It only makes sense to me to follow the topic of snow days with the topic of comfort food. I’m sure you make the same connection, right?  What better time to indulge in our favorite comfort foods than on a cold winter’s day, when you are snowed in? I can answer that, there is no better time. Indeed, I have recipes I only make on such occasions. Admittedly my favorite comfort foods are not necessarily the healthiest foods I prepare, but they do leave me feeling toasty warm.  You might, ask are there equivalents to comfort food for other areas of life?  I think the answer is yes.


In stressful times I find physical comfort in a nice walk, or in a good yoga stretching session. Both seem to melt away the physical stresses. When I feel particularly chilly there is nothing like a comforting hot shower. How about comfort food for the soul? Books have been written on the topic but the comfort they offered always struck me as a bit superficial. However, there is a book that I do find is comfort food for the soul. You have heard of it and my guess is that you have even read parts of it. I’m referring to the Bible. Now let’s be clear. I don’t have lines and lines memorized.  But when I read something that speaks to me, I put a marker. Later on, I can go back to those markers and surprisingly they seem to address my newest concerns.


With this in mind I suggest that you find your comfort spot, with your comfort food, and read your Bible. Come on now, you can’t claim to be too busy, especially if it’s a snow day. Too often we relegate the reading of the Bible to something we go just for a class, or when we can’t quite pull out the quote we want to use. I’m not saying you have to start at the beginning and go to the end, although it’s not a bad plan. Go to the index and check out a topic that interests you. Read a before and after the actual quote to get a better feel for the context. You may be surprised at just how fulfilling this comfort food for the soul can be.



Be kind, be brave, have faith!  : )   Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722