First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

To Plan or Not to Plan?

Linda Soller | Jan 15, 2024

Are you a planner? Does your world need order and planning to be comfortable? Or maybe you go with the flow. If you’re surprised, you simply adjust. I can tell you for a fact I’m a planner. I need order, and routine, and a plan. There are positives and negatives to being either one. I sometimes wish I could be more laid back. That being said, a life of planning has served me well. I guess it comes down to creating an environment where you can thrive, without driving those around you nuts. AH! That’s the catch, isn’t it? Fitting your comfort level to the needs of those around you is not always easy.


I feel like the beginning of a new year can be particularly tricky for both types of people. As a planner my calendar was set up in advance and filled with, well everything. For the non-planner it’s a fine line between being spontaneous and being a procrastinator. There can be people who are a perfect balance of both. I’m not sure I have ever met such a person, but surely, they are out there. Even if you claim to be such a hybrid, I bet you feel you are constantly compromising.


There have been times when something or someone messed with my plans. Initially I’m either really uncomfortable or somewhat aggravated. Since I don’t like feeling either way, I have decided it may be easier to control my reactions than to change my basic personality at this stage of life. My hope is that I will be able to adjust more easily, make changes to my plans, and not lose my mind. Personally, I think all three are admirable goals. So far in the few weeks of the new year I have had minimal success. If I am really being honest the process of getting over myself is at times slower than I would like.


So, whether you like to plan or not I’m pretty sure for everyone’s sake you will need to be open to the other side. The word compromise will need to be in your vocabulary. This is not to say you must give up all that is important to you. It’s saying you may have to recognize what’s important to others.


Be kind, be brave, have faith!  : )   Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722