First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

The Good Sport

Linda Soller | Oct 16, 2023

We have lost yet another cherished member of our church family. I can’t say I was surprised because he had been very ill for a while. Once before the family had thought the end was near, but he had rallied. We were all thrilled to have him back in church. He had a wonderful smile and friendly way about him. Most of all he was such a good sport.


When I use the expression “good sport” I don’t mean a person who was good at a sport.  Although he may have been. I’m referring to the person’s ability to laugh, go with the flow, and participate. Our Drop-In class is an unusual Bible study group. We sometimes laugh too much, we come up with silly examples of important lessons, and we consider trends and concerns without escalating our conversations into uncomfortable arguments. To do this requires that I have at least a few good sports in the group. These special people allow me to draw them in to my examples without getting offended or angry. They are able to laugh along with the group and sometimes make some rather humorous contributions of their own. I would never call out a person with real tendencies to be mean. It would hit too close to home and make people uncomfortable. But I might use an extremely kind and generous person, the opposite of my example to make my point. All of this relies on the class members being good sports.


Over the years I have identified a small group of these good sports. To lose one is truly sad. Not just because they add so much to our class but because they add so much to the world. Their easy-going nature and humor endear them to many. They have the ability to make difficult times easier for all those around them. They are smart, talented, loving people who see value in being positive. They have ready smiles, big hugs, strong handshakes, and caring hearts. They are self-sacrificing.


Life and death go hand in hand. We will always miss what we no longer have, but treasure what was once ours.


Be the love in the world  : )   Linda



Dedicated to Lyle, we will miss you dear friend.

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722