First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620


Linda Soller | Jan 17, 2022

Surely life will get back to normal soon. What does that even mean? I’m not talking about the concept of normal, which is a topic for another day. I’m talking about “soon.”  You hear that English is a difficult language to learn. Well the word soon is a perfect example of why it’s so hard. 


Mom, are we there yet? Calm down, we will be there soon!

I will be home from work as soon as I finish my report.

Spring will be here soon!


See what I mean?  None of those statements really tell you anything unless you hear them in context. Even then there can be confusion. The definition of soon refers to a short time, but a short time is relative. The Black Death, often referred to as the Plague, lasted for five years, had three primary variations, and killed about half of the population of Europe. During that time the concept of quarantines and social distancing began. Many improvements to health care and hygiene go back to those years. Even then people looked to blame ethnic groups for their hardships. Gradually The Black Death faded away, but a similar situation arose soon after. Well, a few hundred years later. 


I’m not trying to depress you. Really, I’m trying to help us all understand that sometimes we can learn from history, and sometimes “soon” is the best we can offer.  When Jesus was crucified the Christians of the times truly felt He would return soon. Even His disciples felt that way. Were they wrong or did they just need to put His promise in perspective. Look how long it was before He came the first time. In God’s time the word soon covers a great deal of territory. 


I truly believe we will return to some fashion of normal soon. I can’t be more specific, but I believe it enough to find comfort in the thought. I also truly believe God will return soon. Maybe not in my lifetime, but who’s to say? I plan to be prepared, because it could be sooner than I think.



Be the love in the world!  :o)

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722