First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

Moving in the right direction

Sean Roberds | May 08, 2023

The last two weeks our church has had some important, impactful meetings. The first was our church business meeting April 30th where we had time to share where we see our church getting it right and the places we would like to see improvement. Boy did you share! We came away with a host of great ideas and the meeting felt positive, exciting, and hopeful.

The second meeting was our May Deacon’s meeting this past Sunday. We have a great group of servant leaders on our deacon board who are passionate about our church, who work well together and who are eager to expand our church’s reach. We covered a lot of important work in our 2-hour meeting. What I am most excited about is the work we did around the feedback you gave us during the business meeting. We spent most of our time examining, discussing, and planning around what you shared. Our deacons listened to what you had to say and are taking seriously your thoughts and the process needed to make those things happen.

Reflecting on all that was shared in our business meeting, the deacons identified four areas where our church longs for improvement. The areas of improvement are 1. in person engagement for our senior adults beyond Sundays, 2. youth and children involvement in the life of the church, 3. improving our buildings aesthetics to create an inviting space, and 4. church growth through outreach to the community.

I think the church is right. I believe if we address the longings you shared our church will grow into the place we dream it to be. There is a lot of work ahead! As Jesus told his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38. As we move forward with this information and look to build plans around what is needed, let’s begin by praying about it. Will you join me in praying for our church and this process? Will you pray with me about the four areas we have identified? Let’s start with prayer but not end there. Let’s start with prayer and be ready to move into action!

Sean Roberds
Pastor, First Baptist Church Herndon