First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

Without A List

Linda Soller | Apr 03, 2023

Last week I went to the grocery store without a list. REALLY! That’s the best you can do for a blog topic, you ask. Yes, let me explain. Ever since I can remember I’ve had people ask how I got so much done. I would answer my DNA includes strong organizational tendencies and I keep lists. Both are true. I am organized, nearly to a fault, and between lists and calendars I have myself under control. When I retired, I wondered how the lists/calendars would fit in. I realized that one does not need to be a full-time working parent to put both to good use. I also learned that while I looked forward to being under fewer constraints and deadlines in retirement my old habits were hindering my transition. Lists had always served me well. But now lists were creating anxiety and stress where it wasn’t necessary. My grocery list for one, was always on the counter. As soon as I got home from the store, I would begin the list for the following week. So, I was always reminded that I had to shop, like I would forget to buy food.


During this season of Lent, we have talked about giving up things, that were not in the “stuff” or “desert” categories. I thought why don’t I give up my lists?  I mean, now and then, when particularly busy, maybe a list would help, but not a constant running notation of all I had to do and had not done. So, I headed out the door to the grocery store without a list. The experience was eye opening. I actually paid better attention to the merchandise and the prices, I did not buy a bunch of stuff I didn’t need, and I did buy what I needed. The world as I knew it had not come to an end. I had survived, fairly comfortably, without a list.


Part of giving up something during Lent is making a sacrifice in recognition and in honor of the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for us. Perhaps my giving up lists seems insignificant to you, but it wasn’t to me.



Be the love in the world  : )   Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722