First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620


Linda Soller | Mar 20, 2023

The Hebrew people knew they would face challenges when they escaped from Egypt. But with God’s support and a leader in Moses they did escape. The next challenge was reaching their promised land. In their day and age this would not be easy for the number of people in their group. God understood their concerns, but He was watching over them. The trip took longer than the people had expected, and it wasn’t easy. So, when the water supply became an issue they complained about Moses’ leadership, and even about God’s promise to watch over them. Despite the parting of the waters, the mana from heaven each day to feed them, the people focused on the hardships. Moses knew they needed to refocus.


I would say humans tend to focus on the hardships instead of the blessings, but I can’t. When I see people who have just survived a disaster, or those who live in a war zone, or those who know constant hunger I often observe their resolve to survive and get through it. The newsperson sticks a microphone in their face as they stand in the devastation and they speak of rebuilding, or moving on, or even appreciating the food bank that helps them survive. They may not feel positive yet, but you can clearly see them in the early stages of refocusing on what can and will be, and less on what was and is for the moment.


This brings me to all the articles I have read about the isolation of the pandemic and what it has done to our society. There is no argument that the pandemic made most of us uncomfortable, resentful, and in some cases ill. We lost loved ones, friends, and our old way of life. Okay, I get it. But I don’t think we have to let that define us. As we slowly emerge back into a more physically connected world we need to refocus. I challenge you to think of just three things that are better for you in the last three years. Next think of three things you are looking forward to in the next 6 months. And lastly, I offer that as of Monday, Spring is here! Do you feel a refocus coming on? 


Be the love in the world  : )   Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722