First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

Finding Your Voice

Linda Soller | Nov 30, 2020

As I watched the church service on my computer, I felt my frustration growing with each song. I miss singing in the choir. Try as I might to sing along, I sounded terrible. I needed my friend Margie standing beside me to give me the notes. Regardless of how softly or loudly I sang, I had trouble finding my voice.


It’s already the advent season, when we attempt to prepare for Christmas, the birth of our Savior. In the past it was easy to get lost in the chaos, but this year will be different. Maybe this year, like it or not, you will have some time for finding your voice. And when you do keep in mind that you can never say thank you too often if it’s sincere. It’s always the right time to tell your loved ones how important they are to you.  Saying I’m sorry and meaning it is magical. A cheerful Merry Christmas is not a push of your beliefs on others, it’s an affirmation of your beliefs for all to hear.


This will be a different sort of advent season. Although Hallmark and Lifetime movies will still be on non-stop. Physical contact with others will most likely be limited. Online shopping will replace much of our roaming through festive shops. Some celebrations will be canceled while others may feel a bit awkward. Even so, it will still be Christmas. Your inclinations to be kind, cheerful, and giving need not go away. You will have opportunities to offer hope and cheer, even though you may be offering them via email, texts, cards, chats, and prayers. Don’t let the joys of the advent season pass you by while you sit at home finding your voice.


Hope for the future starts today :o) Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722