First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

Who Are You Talking To?

Linda Soller | Mar 02, 2020

I can’t for the life of me get used to seeing what appears to be people talking to themselves. They are actually on those little ear headphones. Sometimes the person is speaking so loudly. I imagine it’s a way to compensate for the distance from their mouth to their phone. Whatever it is, I am struggling to get used to it. Part of me wants to ask who are you talking to that you need to have your conversation for all to hear? 


Then there are those who “talk” on social media. This is different from making a statement which your contacts may or may not respond to. This is more of what people do in the comment and reply sections. Most of the time what is said is harmless, but every now and then it falls into the TMI category. I am tempted to type – do you know who you are talking to? Really, any of us who can see it are by default part of the conversation. We speak to people in emails. Our communication is put out there where others share and collect information. The idea of a private conversation is rapidly disappearing. One might ask, do you know who you are talking to?


Some say religion is just for the old. People get old, they face death, and suddenly they find God. I disagree. I think religion is for anyone who appreciates the value of having God in their life and who is willing to talk to God. Prayer may be the most obvious tool, but it was when I started to include God in my routine daily contemplations and conversations that my faith really strengthened. I might just say thank you Lord, or give me strength, but He is always listening. The direction and support I receive is clear and reliable even when delayed. I was not old when I discovered I needed to talk with God, but as I age the comfort and suppoetI feel from my conversations grows stronger. I have also learned to be a better listener. All I know is I appreciate and value my conversations with God. 


Who are you talking to?


Be humble, be grateful, and be love in our world this week! :o) Linda


681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722