First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

Gain One Lose One

Linda Soller | Feb 25, 2019

For days I looked forward to the coming weekend. Due to Presidents’ Day it would be a three-day weekend. I could just imagine all I would get done by gaining one extra day of leisure. Even more important I would get to wake up and decide what I would do that day. When you work full time, that is not a common situation. Saturday and Sunday were productive but pretty busy. I didn’t care because I was going to gain a “play” day on Monday. The day dawned, the weather was good, and I must tell you I really enjoyed myself.


When Tuesday arrived, I returned to the office and reviewed all my “things to do.” I found myself saying, no wonder there is so much on my list, I lost a day! As fast as that I had forgotten about how nice it had been to have gained a weekend day and was cranky about losing a day of work.  Well, I was cranky about having the same amount of work with one less day to get it done. 


The expression, you win some you lose some, came about to help us appreciate that indeed, sometimes things turn out the way we want and other times they don’t. Rarely can we have it both ways. What did I expect? I knew the work normally done on a Monday would not magically disappear while I enjoyed my day of “nothing to do”.  In hind sight I have to say, the day I gained was worth, the extra busy work day that followed. I just needed to put it in perspective.


Have a great week?  :o) Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722