First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

Hope is Alive

Linda Soller | Aug 08, 2016

Is it any wonder people seem somewhat despondent? Faces appear tired and sad. With all that is going on in the world it’s so easy to fall prey to anxiety and depression. It’s certainly tempting to join the “woe as me” band wagon. Some start to see life as unfair and feel they must force change. We think, “What kind of world are we living in?” Where do we find hope?

Driving home from our family’s summer vacation we approached the small town of Chadburn, NC. As we drew nearer to town, on the billboard of a small church I read, “Hope is Alive, and His Name is Jesus!”  The section of Chadburn we drive through on our journey is not exactly an advertisement for hope. It’s run down, empty, tired, and broken. Yet just before we entered this little town, which is clearly struggling, we see the proclamation of Hope in Jesus. Maybe the town is not what it seems, after all it’s still there. It hasn’t been abandoned.

When I saw the sign it immediately spoke to my heart. Here in the heat and ruins of a small southern town was a statement of truth and affirmation. Hope is alive! The sign didn’t scream out at this group or that group. It didn’t say build a wall to divide. It didn’t spat out names, or raise fists, or shoot guns, or wield knives. There were no graphics, only powerful words. It didn’t set limitations by color, language, heritage, or income. Hope is alive.

Some seek change even if it means sacrificing values. Some feel they must beat down on others to feel better about themselves. Some struggle to adjust to cultural and social changes that make them uncomfortable, because those changes are no longer kept as secrets hidden away where they can pretend they don’t exist. But not all. There are those who still smile and offer help. There are those who serve to make life better and safer for others. There are those who love the neglected and build up what has been torn down. We are called to be part of those who serve, love, nurture, and build up. Hope is alive, and His name is Jesus.

Have a great week!    : o)  Linda

PS. – This one is for you – Sean.

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722