First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

The truth behind the groundhog

Linda Soller | Feb 22, 2016

I hate to call him a liar, that’s a bit strong, but I do feel the ground hog mislead me regarding an early spring. The last week was pretty cold and didn’t feel spring like at all. Some might say I put too much value in the opinion of a groundhog, even an experienced weather predicting groundhog. Others might say his prediction was too heavily dependent on the interpretation of humans, which we all know can fail. Never the less, I really wanted to buy into the groundhog’s prediction and believe the winter was on the way out. If you remember my thought for the Groundhog Day week was - choosing to believe. So what happens when you think your belief system has let you down?

From early childhood we believe parents are in charge. As we grow the influences and conditions of our childhood will either reinforce that belief or water down our convictions. Some children find very early they need to be able to rely on themselves first and foremost. Others of us are lucky enough to enjoy the family environment which makes us feel strong, secure, and protected. All of the influences help form the person we will eventually become. Some of us will be optimistic, others may be doubters, and still others may float in between. All views are valid reactions to life and come from our genetics and our upbringing. At the same time any of those views can prove to be misguided. In the end, hopefully we learn to weigh the various influences to form our opinions and decide on our actions.

One of the most striking personalities in the Bible, in my humble opinion, is Saul whose name was changed to Paul by God. He was raised strictly in his Jewish faith, he fervently pursued the persecution of Christians, and then it happened. On the road to Damascus he was blinded. He finally saw the light, both figuratively and in reality. All he held true in the past was changed and all he saw in his future was a contradiction to his early beliefs.

I hear people talk about what they think is the truth, but in many cases they are trusting in sources no more reliable than my groundhog. Some of those people are optimists and others are not. When you consider your faith it is important, no it is critical, to consider the facts, investigate the realities, and challenge your own beliefs. To do that you will need to have an open mind, rely on people, trust in and communicate with God, and then let your life be an illustration of your beliefs. For some it will not result in much change from your status quo. For others of us it will be more like having the truth behind the groundhog revealed!

Have a great week!  :o)  Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722