First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

Is there a House Wren in the house?

Linda Soller | Nov 04, 2013

The other day workers at my house had the door open and a House Wren flew in. Apparently he or she made a dive bomb landing under a cabinet in my family room. The workers figured the bird would find its way out and promptly went back to their work. Unfortunately, a few hours later when I got home I was informed that my house guest had not yet elected to leave. To make matters worse it had decided to explore locations other than under the cabinet. The young man smiled and said something about the little bird being so cold that it decided to come in. I don’t really think the temperature outside had anything to do with it. I was suspicious that leaving my front door wide open might have had something to do with it.  I wasn’t smiling.

I share this story because that day was a busy one and my list of things to do was a mile long. Coming home to this little fluffy surprise really put a damper on my plans. For a while I didn’t see it. The workers said goodbye and wished me happy hunting. For two hours despite my best efforts to get something done I found myself looking for the House Wren. I would spot the little fluff ball as it hopped here and there, but catching it was a different matter entirely. I set a trap which consisted of a plant and bird seed, need I say more? And no, it didn’t work.

Wouldn’t life be grand if we could make a plan and never have to worry about surprises getting in the way? Sure now and then things go the way we hope, but really most of the time something comes up, or in my case flies in. Faith doesn’t change that fact. A person of faith isn’t guaranteed a life without surprises or mishaps. Faith offers a way to cope. Nothing in my church upbringing covered catching birds in my house, but I had learned about patience and perseverance. Eventually I decided, with my dish towel close at hand, to go about my business doing something quiet in the hopes that my guest would emerge. I told myself that sitting on the couch stewing about it wouldn’t help anyone and my “to-do list” would still be as long. I let my frustration subside and actually found a bit of humor in my circumstance. This very tiny creature had unintentionally entered my home and now we were both trapped in the moment.

Patiently I busied myself in another room. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted it, and moving very slowly, dish towel ready, I approached. After a few seconds, that seemed more like hours, of tripping, falling, squealing, and lunging I dropped the dish towel on it. I scooped it up gently, went out the front door and set him or her free. It hopped away like this was just any other day, no big deal.

Unwelcome surprises and mishaps will come. They may distract you or even block you from your plan, but you can get through it. Your faith can help you get through the trying times. You will get back on your path forward. When things get frustrating just remember it could be worse, you could have a House Wren in your house!  

Have a great week :o) Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722