First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

A Life in Christ Week 3

Sean Roberds | Feb 24, 2013

A Life in Christ

Week 3: Taking Up


Last week the devotions focused on letting go. This week with our arms empty we will focus on what Christ calls us to take up. When we read the gospels we see that Christ is eager and ready to forgive. We also notice that, in forgiving, he calls us to a better life. But that’s not all -- the better life is an invitation to join Christ in his Holy work.  Holy work can be great fun but it can also be very challenging and downright hard. Now that we have let go and emptied our hearts for God, the challenge is to take up the partnership of his Holy work.  In that partnership God calls us to take up a new life in Him, to take up our cross daily and to carry the mission of God. This Holy work can be very hard but the benefits are out of this world!

Monday New Life

When you read this story, consider how different life was for Peter after this encounter with Jesus.  Think about this: If Jesus hadn’t called Peter that day, Peter would have spent the rest of his life on that beach, catching fish and washing nets.  Jesus, however, called Peter to go deeper and to experience the abundance of a life following him. Peter had to let go of his boats, his nets and his business, but he took up something deeper, something greater, and his life was never the same.

Read today’s passage, Luke 5:1-11, and take a moment to reflect. 


Do you remember the first time you felt Christ calling you? How is your life different after answering the call? 

Jesus asks Peter to put into deeper water. How is Jesus asking you to go deeper during this season of Lent?

For Peter the cost of following Jesus was great: He had to leave everything behind. What is the cost of following Jesus for you?  What is the reward?


Spend some time today praying about the new life Christ has called you to take up.

Make a list of ways you have embraced this new life and a list of ways in which you have gone back to the old one.


Tuesday Reflection Day

 Reread Luke 5:1-11.

Close your eyes and imagine you are there with Peter at Lake Gennesaret. Feel the sea breeze, and listen to the sound of the water. Take part in the story and see where it takes you.

What new insights do you find today in rereading and imagining the story?

In this story, Peter just happened to be on the shore. H was not seeking Jesus, but Jesus found him and his life was never the same.  Think about the ways Jesus has shown up in your life.  How did you respond?

Where is God calling you out of your comfort zone today?  Is Jesus asking you to take up a new way and a new life? How?


Wednesday Claiming Jesus and The Cross

In today’s passage, Jesus begins to get very serious.  He needs to make sure his disciples know who he truly is and what that really means.  To say that Jesus is the Messiah is to say that you believe God is doing God’s greatest work through Jesus. To claim Jesus as the Messiah is make him Lord of your life and above everything and everyone else.  But claiming Jesus is more than just lip service. It is a call to follow, and following Jesus is to live a radical life of taking up your cross daily.  Taking up your cross has nothing to do with living with sickness or accepting a hardship in life  -- as some people say, “That’s my cross to bear.” No, to take up your cross is to live the radical life that Jesus leads us to live. It is to give up your own life to live the truth and work the mission of God. To claim Jesus as the Messiah and to follow him with your cross is a hard daily decision but the reward is abundant life.  

 Read today’s passage, Luke 9:18-27, and take a moment to reflect.


What does taking up your cross mean to you?

What about following Jesus is attractive to you?  What aspect of following Jesus is hardest for you?

What does losing your life mean for you? 


Make a list of ways you can deny yourself and take up your cross today.

Spend time praying that God will show you the radical life he longs for you to live.

Like the church in Acts 4:29, pray for boldness so that you may have the courage to take up the cross and the radical life Jesus calls us to live.


Thursday – Reflection Day

 Reread Luke 9:18-27.

I believe Jesus ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah because he anticipated that people would misunderstand what he was called to do as the Messiah. How do people misunderstand and misuse Jesus as the Messiah today? How do you?

Look back over your list from yesterday about ways you can deny yourself and take up your cross.  How did your cross bearing go?  Ponder one daily change you need to make to bring you closer to the radical life of Jesus.

Think about who Jesus is to you.  Is he just a great teacher, a miracle worker, a great prophet, or do you claim him as the Messiah? What does that mean to you and how does it change your life? 

Friday The Mission

Faith is more than seeing and believing. Faith is putting feet on what we believe and setting those feet into motion.  A life in Christ is to share in his Mission.  The Mission is to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to help redeem a broken world.  Christ has given us the power and authority to share in his work, but so often we sit idly by.  Where do you see brokenness around you?  Where do you see a need for healing?  Where can you proclaim the good news?  Take up the mission of God and share in his wonderful redemptive work and see what an exciting life you will live. 

 Read today’s passage, Luke 9:1-6, and take a moment to reflect.


How has God equipped you to carry out his mission?

Jesus sent the disciples out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal. (Luke 9:2) In what ways do you proclaim the kingdom of God and bring about healing in your everyday life?  Is there more that you can do?

Where do you sense God sending you to proclaim His Kingdom and to heal? What will you need to accompany Him on the way?

What do you think Jesus means when he tells the disciples to “shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them”? (V.5) What does this mean for us today?


Today pay attention to people around you who are hurting and need a word from God.

Think of one person you know who needs healing or lifting up and make contact with that person and pray with him/her.

Think of one person you know who needs to hear about Jesus. Pray for this individual and think of ways you can share God’s love with him/her.


Saturday – Reflection Day

Look back at your notes from the past week and reflect on what you have experienced and learned. What challenged you the most this week?  What surprised you? Did anything motivate you to become a better follower?


Reread the three passages from this week.  Do you notice anything new in this
final reading?

Pick the passage that challenges you the most and spend more time reflecting on it.  Why is this text more challenging to you? Is God calling you to change a part of your life?  Is there a prayer for you in the passage? Is there a confession?  How is God using this passage to bring you closer to Christ?


681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722