First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

A Life in Christ Week 2

Sean Roberds | Feb 17, 2013

A Life in Christ

Week 2: Letting Go


Whether it is the very first time we give ourselves to Christ or later when we look to strengthen our relationship with the Savior, at some point we discover that to take hold of Christ we must let go of something. In fact, a huge part of a life in Christ is letting go. It is letting go of our past, letting go of our concerns for the future, letting go of the “junk” that gives us a false sense of security.  This week we will look at three scriptures that deal with letting go.  May we find the courage to release our grip and empty our hearts for God. 

 Monday – Luke 3:7-14

John the Baptist breaks into the story of the gospel like a fiery preacher, and his message is clear: “Bear fruits worthy of repentance.” (Luke 3:8) Sometimes we think of repentance as simply saying we’re sorry for something we have done wrong.  Fruitful repentance, however, is more than just an apology; it is a total transformation of mind and spirit. Repentance is waking up to the fact that one’s life is fruitless, destructive, and empty, and then setting out to make real change.  The first step to a changed life is to let some things go.  When John preaches to the people, he tells them they are holding on to the wrong things and they need to change.  To the Pharisees, he says let go of that old religion. To the crowds, he says let go of your excess. To the tax collectors, he says let go of your greed. To the solders, he says let go of your power abuses. If you were there on the banks of the Jordan, what would John say to you? What would he tell you to let go of? 

 Read today’s passage and take a moment to reflect.


1. What challenges you the most about this passage?

2. What are you holding onto that you need to let go?

3. John told the soldiers to be satisfied with their wages. What do you need to become satisfied with today?

4. What questions come to your mind in reading this Scripture?


Spend the day praying the question of the crowds: “What then must we do?”

Pick one area in your life that you need to let go of today.

List ways you work to let it go.


Tuesday – Reflection Day

1. Reflect on any responses you may have discovered from praying, “What then should we do?”

2. Is God pointing you in any direction? If so, what direction? If not, will it help to continue to pray?

3. You chose to let something go yesterday; so how did it go? What did you find rewarding about letting go of it? What challenges did you discover in letting it go?

4. Reread the passage from Monday, Luke 3:7-14. What did you discover in the passage that seemed new to you today?

5. Reflect on the passage and imagine that you are there standing with the crowd. What would John say to you?


Wednesday – Luke 12:22-34

It is truly hard to embrace the kingdom of God when our arms are full with worry.  We want to follow Jesus but we can’t keep up because we are bogged down with the pressure of meeting our everyday needs.  Add children or aging parents to the mix and the load grows even heavier.  “Uhm, Jesus, could you slow down? I’m too worried about tomorrow to keep up.”  Jesus calls back, “Hey, let it go, I’ve got all that covered.” Jesus wants us focused on the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom demands our full attention and because there are so many other distractions to take our attention from the kingdom Jesus doesn’t want simple everyday needs to be one of them.  But let’s face it: Sometimes worry is a hard bit of baggage to release.  We want to make sure our basic needs and the needs of our loved ones are taken care of.  I think God knows how hard it is and that’s why He sends us everyday reminders of how well He meets our needs.  Have you ever gone a day without seeing a bird?  Can you easily ignore the beauty of a flower?  Every day God sends us these reminders; he’s saying don’t worry, let it go, I’ve got this.  God wants us to live a life in Christ and to keep our focus on the Kingdom. 

Read the passage and take a moment to reflect.


1. What do you worry about most of all? How much time do you spend worrying?

2. Why do you think worry is a barrier to seeking the Kingdom of God?

3. What do you think this passage is calling you to do this week?


Pay attention to the signs and hints that God gives you today, reminding you that God has your needs under control. (Hint: How many birds did you see today?)

Gather up the things you worry about most of all. Write them down if that helps. Now spend some time imagining that you are nailing your worries to the cross.  The next time you worry about one of these things remind yourself where you left it!

Spend some time today truly seeking the kingdom of God!  How can you love God with your heart, soul, mind and strength and your neighbor as yourself?  How can you show mercy today? How can you display grace?

Thursday – Reflection Day

1. Where did you see God at work yesterday?

2. How well did you do at letting go of worry?

            A. It’s gone, see ya! 

            B. It’s trying to creep back in but I’m keeping it in check.

            C. Win some, worry some. 

            D. I don’t know; I’m too concerned with what to wear today to think about this spiritual stuff.

3. Spend some time lifting up your worries to God and if need be return to the cross and nail your list again.

4. Reread the passage and list new insights you gain today.


Friday – Luke 18:18-25

The young ruler in today’s scripture is seeking the spiritual way. He has kept all the commandments, so he thinks; yet there is still something he must let go.  Jesus is always directing us to the greatest commandments -- love of God and love of neighbor.  Notice that when Jesus lists the commandments to keep, he lists the ones dealing with love of neighbor: Do not steal, murder, etc., all of them except do not covet (since the young ruler owned so much, perhaps Jesus didn’t feel this was a big temptation for him).  Though the young ruler has kept them all, something is still missing.  Is it that the hold he has on his wealth and positions is keeping him from truly loving God and his neighbors?  When Jesus asks the rich ruler to let go of his wealth, the demand seemed too great. When Jesus calls us to follow him, the demands are high.  We must let go of everything that blocks our way to Jesus.  What are you holding onto that could be getting in the way of loving God and loving your neighbor?  What do you hold that causes you great grief to let go?  Are you willing to give it all up to follow Jesus?

Read the passage and take a moment to reflect.


1. What is it about wealth that makes it a huge barrier for the kingdom of God?

2. What in your life takes the place of God?

3. In what areas of your spiritual life are you doing well?  In which areas are you lacking?


Think of something you can do without this week and make a plan to give the money you save to the poor.

Spend time praying about the barriers that keep you from fully loving God and loving Neighbor. Ask God to help you to break down such barriers.

All week the devotions have been about letting go. List the things you need to let go.  Make a commitment to pray about letting go. Plan steps to free yourself from the baggage that keeps you from holding on fully to God.


Saturday – Reflection Day

Look back at your notes from the past week and reflect on what you have experienced and learned. What challenged you the most this week?  What surprised you? Did anything motivate you to become a better follower?

Reread the three passages from this week.  Do you notice anything new in this final reading?

Pick the passage that stands out to you the most and spend more time reflecting on it. 

Is God calling you to change a part of your life?  Is there a prayer for you in the passage? Is there a new challenge? Is there a confession?  How is God using this passage to bring you closer to Christ?



681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722