First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

Just Three Gifts

Linda Soller | Nov 27, 2023

As I approached my retirement, I was surprised at how many people asked me what I was going to do. It never, truly never, crossed my mind that I would lack for things to do. But if I’m being honest, and I try to be honest with you, it made me think. This thought process led me to my master plan. Each day I would give myself three gifts. Maybe I would have more gifts some days, but I decided if I gave myself just three, I would still be good. Then the other night the topic came up again and I said to myself. There were three wise men with gifts for the Christ child so maybe now, in this season of giving, I should discuss this topic with you.


My concept is really pretty simple. Every day I would give myself something to nurture my physical being, stimulate my mental being, and address the needs of my soul. A gift for each, how hard could it be? Well so far it hasn’t been hard, and it has taken me on an adventure which I will share with you.


We will tackle each gift one at a time. Since this is a busy week, I will leave you to ponder these three areas and think if you will what would constitute a gift for each. You may be surprised at what you think up compared to my list, but it will be worth the thought process. I do realize that not everyone who reads this is retired, or even close. My gifts know no age limits. I think they will enrich your life no matter what your age is or where you are in your life. Remember this life we have been given is not a dress rehearsal. We should make the most of each day.


Be the love in the world  : )   Linda