First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

Alone With Others

Linda Soller | Nov 13, 2023

Recently I took myself to Williamsburg for two days and two nights. Yes, I went alone. No, I didn’t take anyone with me, and I didn’t meet any friends there. I knew I would be alone with others. There would other individuals driving on the highway. There would be other individuals walking in the colonial area, eating out, and shopping. I never for a moment felt lonely because I was alone with others. I sat on a bench sketching on Saturday when I gentleman, walking alone on the sidewalk, asked me about my sketch and added how he couldn’t draw a straight line. We laughed. He walked on and I sketched on. I ate dinner out and learned my waitress had lived in Herndon a few years back. What a small world. Interactions and conversations took place that most likely would not have taken place had I been there with another person or group. That is what I mean by alone with others.


Our country just celebrated Veterans Day. A day to honor and remember the service of brave men and women in all military organizations. Their efforts have kept our country free. They have protected our ability to worship freely, to feel safe to travel about the country, and to enjoy the many benefits of this nation we are blessed to reside in. When I think of a military veteran,  I think of a person who must master their fears, overcome their pain, and perfect their skills to function alone with others. Each person performing independently but working toward a group objective.


Maybe you struggle with being alone, you may feel isolated, and maybe you interpret your feelings as loneliness. But there are always others in similar situations, with similar needs, and similar concerns. I encourage you to resist thinking in terms of being lonely and to think instead that you are alone with others.


Be the love in the world  : )   Linda