First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

Survival & Hope

Linda Soller | Dec 02, 2024

It’s December and before they put out the Valentines Day decorations you still have time to prepare for Christmas. Just surviving the season may be your goal.  I was wondering the other day how far in advance Mary and Joseph had to plan to make their trip to Bethlehem.  It wouldn’t be an easy trip, and I feel like they were smart enough to build in a few extra days for Mary’s sake. Truthfully, I can’t even imagine what that trip was like for either of them. But people lived differently then and were keenly aware of what they had to do to survive. They hoped the trip would go well.


Today our world is very different. We take so much for granted when it comes to convenience. Survival is not even on the radar for many of us, yet it’s still there for many others. We want to believe we are the land of opportunity and to a great extent we are. I just worry that when we consider our own situations, we might forget that not everyone is so lucky. Do you know someone who might like a friend or a “family”? Maybe they need a church, but they’ve never been invited. Do you know someone who lives paycheck to paycheck? What real world solutions can you offer them? Maybe a ride somewhere to save on Uber or the Metro cost? Maybe you wonder where you will find the cash to buy presents? Could the greatest present be your time and attention? Survival involves so much more than the bare minimum. Our souls need nourishment and support too. At this time of year, you may not be worried about surviving the hectic pace and expenses, but someone you know is. I can almost guarantee it.


A key ingredient in the recipe for survival is hope. That strange nearly mystical feeling you get that says it will be okay. That conviction deep inside to persevere is your hope that all will work out. Hope is strengthening and encouraging. Hope feeds the soul and body with positive energy. Hope is empowering.  Could this year be the year you help someone with their survival?  There is plenty of time to give of yourself. Hope will get you there.


Be kind, be brave, have faith!  : )   Linda