First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

You May Not Agree

Linda Soller | Nov 04, 2024

I struggled to write this week. In part because of the contentious election. In part because as I write I don’t have the luxury of knowing the results. So, I opted to share a few thoughts. You may not agree with me. Honestly, I am okay with that. I believe we can have different opinions and still be Christians, friends, and partners in God’s work.


Did you vote? I certainly hope so, and if you did regardless of how you voted I am proud of you. Imagine how many people in our world have no say in matters which greatly impact their lives. We are blessed to have the right to vote and the responsibility. Guard it well and put it to good use. Your children will thank you.


I for one will never believe that one party has a lock on good Christian people. People who care about others and appreciate the blessings of living in our country. Don’t let anyone tell you that you are less of a Christian for how you vote. This country founded on religious freedom has celebrated the separation of church and state from the beginning. It breaks my heart when I hear of religious leaders telling followers how to vote. They enjoy the benefits of non-interference from government, and yet, somehow feel they have the right to tell you and I how we should vote. Shame on them.


By the time you read this I figure about half of you will be happy with the results and about half will not be happy. That is the democratic process. It allows us to make known our opinions and concerns by how we vote. We must then hold our elected officials accountable to make decisions which put the good of our nation over that of any single party. A smooth transition should be a symbol we are proud of not something to be tossed aside.


In the past four years we have lived through some unique situations. We have seen the worst of ego, anger, wealth, fear, and bullying. We have also seen brave Americans defend our capital, call out the leader of their own political party when that leader was wrong, step aside when they knew it is for the best (for their party and the country), and then there is you. You my friend hold our future. I pray you won’t accept anything less than the Christian values you say you hold dear. Be kind, support others, respect individuals, and love one another. You may not agree, but I think our country needs all of our prayers for healing and love.



Be kind, be brave, have faith!  : )   Linda