First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

What will you be?

Linda Soller | Oct 28, 2024

Can you really write a blog this week and not address the ghost in the room? I’m talking about Halloween. There was a time for most of us that Halloween was really a kid thing. For me it was homemade costumes and roaming from door to door with my friends. Then much to our dismay it became a more dangerous activity. Parents had to go trick or treating to watch out for the kids. Candy had to be checked. Finally, we started to see more and more adults getting into the holiday. So, let me ask you. What will you be?


I bet somewhere along the way you’ve thought if you could do it again you might have done something else. Maybe had a different career. Perhaps you would have traveled or colored your hair. You may not have wished for any radical change, but we all daydream now and then about what might have been in our lives. At Halloween we tend to think of change in how we appear to other people. But today I find myself thinking about the person I would be on the inside.  Would I try to be more confident or more empathetic. In my perfect world would I be less judgmental or more giving. Could it be too late to change myself into something or someone else? I think not. Perhaps this is the perfect time to look at our lives and ask ourselves what we want to be now. Certainly, we’ve had time to learn. We should be able to make some adjustments to our attitudes and/or how we spend our time. We can always improve ourselves. We are never too old to learn something new, to explore opportunities, or to practice what we preach.


I used to want to be a Fairy Princess for Halloween, but more often than not I was a Witch! But now I think it would be grand to be a better person. What will you be?



Be kind, be brave, have faith!  : )   Linda