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A blog by Linda Soller.
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Fruits of their Labors
Linda Soller | Sep 02, 2024
In our society we often pass judgement on various types of labor. We clearly value some types more than others. Where we place the least value are often the very jobs which enrich our lives. I don’t know why we do this. Why would anyone belittle someone for performing a task that needs to be done but that they would rather not do themselves? Or worse, why would you ever mock someone for doing honest work to survive and/or provide for their family? Is any job really beneath any of us? I struggle with such questions. During this week we need to think long and hard on what made our country strong from the very beginning. Our ancestors often came here with little or nothing. With hard work, often doing some difficult and unpleasant tasks, they built a future. In many cases that future became our everyday life. So why do we begrudge others the same opportunities today?
Not to belabor a point, pun intended, these same people who are routinely disparaged often provide rather mundane and ordinary products and services as the fruits of their labor. They work hard and long knowing there will be no glory in their job, but also knowing their work is truly valuable. Can you say that about the work you perform now or have performed in the past? I hope you can, because when the fruits of your labor help others you are doing God’s work here on earth. Laboring for others, whether they are your family or strangers is showing God’s love for those same people. This week in particular, take the time to thank those around you for doing their job. Don’t let people go unnoticed for working hard and for sharing the fruits of their labor with us, our community, our world. A simple thank you can go a long way.
Be kind, be brave, have faith! : ) Linda