First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

It Felt like Judging

Linda Soller | Nov 04, 2019

It was a simple request that I make most weeks. “Excuse me, could you please hand me a can of the Organic Tomato Sauce – no salt added – from the top shelf?” What can I say, I’m short? The stranger replied, “Certainly.” As he handed the can to me, he asked why I was buying it, informed me that he was a pharmacist, and told me how bad these canned goods were for my health. He continued on telling me in his clearly not so humble opinion that I was making poor choices then added, “I’m not judging!”  “It felt like judging,” was my reply as I placed the can of sauce in my cart and walked away.


The encounter continued to irritate me, I even re-told it to the Drop-In Class the next day. Why do we humans feel we are entitled to inflict our opinions on perfect strangers? Why can’t we keep our opinions to ourselves? Do we put others down to feel better about ourselves? Does he feel entitled because of his education or profession? And why did I let it bother me at all? I don’t know, but it did. A simple request. A polite response. A thank-you and that should have been it. But no!


When we feel free to say whatever we think regardless of how it impacts the people receiving our message we imply we are entitled, for whatever reason, to do so. We imply we are better and can judge others. We imply our opinion is not just ours, but the only one which counts. Learning to keep our opinions to ourselves now and then will not kill us. God can judge. We should not.


The stranger went on and on proclaiming my failings and ignorance, then ended with a statement he felt would somehow smooth over all he had just said. “I’m not judging!” If felt like judging to me.


Be humble, be grateful, and be love in our world this week! :o) Linda


Happy 100th Birthday (Nov. 1) Maryana - a member at our church her entire life! We love you!

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722