First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

What We Have

Linda Soller | Apr 22, 2019

I am not a well-traveled person. As luck would have it I’ve been to France and have visited Notre-Dame. Like so many others I was heart broken to see the videos of the raging fire yet encouraged by the pictures on Tuesday of the remains of the magnificent church. I was reminded that we need to be aware and appreciative of what we have in our lives. 


Three churches intentionally set on fire, grabbed our attention just the week before. A man chose to set fires in the three Baptist Churches. Regardless of his motivations, his actions were deliberate and criminal. The three congregations gathered on Palm Sunday to share their pain and their hope. Many of the congregates shared memories of a lifetime of family worship, as they remembered what they had.


In both cases the response was fast and strong by those who held those churches dear. They felt such a loss. They were stunned. They would rebuild. The rebuilding was not just because they treasure the bricks and mortar and stained glass. The rebuilding reflects the impact of what the buildings stood for and what went on inside those buildings. Faith, hope, love, and dedication is what they have, even when the building is damaged or gone.


Jesus walked this earth teaching and healing. The people could hardly comprehend what they had right there with them. We can only imagine what they experienced first-hand. I doubt they considered what it would be like if Jesus was gone. Then it happened, He was crucified. They felt such loss. They were stunned. They would rebuild.


Easter has come and gone for one more year. It once again grabbed our attention, touched our hearts and brought us closer to God. Our faith, hope, love, and dedication were renewed, however briefly. Going forward we can only hope and pray that we don’t forget what we have.


He is risen! :o) Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722