First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620


Linda Soller | Jun 05, 2017

Like most people I have some well-established patterns in my day. My comfort zone. So, on Memorial Day, with nowhere to be, I admit I slept in a bit. This put me taking my morning walk later than usual. Almost immediately I noticed the differences. The sun was higher, the air warmer, but it was the people and animals who seemed most different. I passed neighbors on the street who are not out at my usual time. There were different dogs taking their owners for walks. It was sort of nice and sort of strange all at once. I am happy with my routine. I know who says hello and who just nods. I know most of the dogs by name. Since it was a holiday, there were no school buses or young people dragging their feet, glued to their cell phones, heading to the bus stop.  It felt odd. On the other hand, it challenged me. It gave me some new connections.

I think we establish patterns in faith as well. We may or may not go to church regularly. Maybe we go on Sundays, but stay clear on other days. Perhaps we sit in the same church pew to stake our claim on the space or maybe to set up barriers. When it’s time to “meet and greet”, or “pass the peace”, we may reach out to a stranger, or maybe we stand there waiting for someone to come to us. Some of us pray in the morning, some at night, and some all the time. We may view faith as too personal to discuss with just anybody, or we may want to discuss it with anyone who will listen. Whatever our motivations, we all form patterns of behavior, and patterns of faith.

This week I would like to suggest that you step out of your comfort zone, just a touch. Change a pattern in your day, you can always go back to your old ways. See if the challenge helps you connect differently with God and the world around you. Maybe you will make some new connections. Maybe the pattern of your life will change for the better. You will never know unless you try.

Make this a great week!    :o)  Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722